Sunday, April 3, 2011

When is the last time you got in a fight? your answer is appreciated, but not accounted for. Griz set aside his grizzly jiz and entered a fight with the TPQ. and like most things that are hyped up... things turned out sour. and here is the account, of that fateful night.

"Zeke you down to fight"
"yeah but, yo.... no face shots, i have to keep this thing preserved for the ladies"
"what ladies?"
"the whole female race"

fuck em Griz
"So you still down to fight"
"hell ya"

and i guess if you know me, you can attest to the fact that I like saying shit that really wont happen but I just agree for the sake of agreement. Well, I got my just deserves for desert, after the main entre of bullshit. So i came back from seeing my boy Will Guthrie, who is second brother to my sister.... pumped. AND IF YOU CANT UNDERSTAND THAT GRAMMAR that means that I came back pumped. too pumped, pumped with excitement. and i was rambunctious, doing shit like kicking stuff and yelling at griz, and so of course he kept his word.
I gave him acouple of good hits, playful, fun all the normal shit right


we broke up from a squabble/wrestle and paused for a second. and in a split second I see his fist swing and than pain, bursting from my left eye. head flies back into a screen and i laydown on the ground, drunk.... dirty.... knocked out... reeling....

wondering "what the fuck".
I took my sheets off and made it into the bathroom, saw myself in the mirror "disgusting"
I sat down to puke, didnt get anything out but some stuff that looked like wine?
but i blew my nose and I swear to the holy ghost and all his ghostness that comes from his pipe, that my left eye slipped out from its socket

ahhhhhhhh ugggghhhhhh
And I did what anyother sane person would do, touch it. and when i did, it slipped right back into place. I laid my aching head on the tiled bathroom floor and went to sleep for an hour
Now I am sitting in a coffee shop, trying not to look down, because every time i do, my eye gets agitated... but like everything. It will heal.

Just like Fransisco's arm, my hand, my arm, Jackie's board, the relationship with my parents, and the future that is ahead of all of us.

We're human, we were made to be flexible, and we were made to be broken.
and we were made to get back up and our wounds to heal. Allow this statement to permiate through all that you do. Memories are temporary, wounds, money, feelings, hurts...
It will all be over when the world ends anyway
so why hold a grudge?