Sunday, August 15, 2010

If this is the City of Angels than we must be in heaven

If any one isnt from LA and reading this post, well your about to read what a perfect Los Angeles Night is like. The moment I got to work I rolled over to Lorenzo's house and the homie was already waiting in the car. The plan was to go to Turn Table Lab LA to see Warm Brew and Hugh Augustine The MC, but the moment we rolled up to pick up Paolo we got a call. I could hear from the front seat.
"wait what.... your where?
ok ok so what happened?
Its canceled.
oooohhhh shiiiiiit"
So we got out of the car, cuz our asses wernt going no where so we headed into the back house to loose our minds. Sweet came which was cool. We also of this private thing going in Westchester at Bo Jacobsons pad... so we said fuck it
fuck it.
thats how people make decisions. its not 'oh i have an objective or, we have to do this' its ussually fuck it. so we fucked it and got in the car and drove off. A half an hour later we arrived at our destination. Once we got to the garage and saw all of the people who were 'LA,LA' natives and hood kids... we felt out of place. I mean how could we not, we grew up on a whole different side of the city.
The thought was pushed aside as we all were told to move into the small garage, and every one just congealed for a second. The dropping of the first beat was like pushing a button on the time machine. A time machine that stretched into the past and the future of hip hops roots. Kids in a garage bumpin old school Cali beats rapping, dancing and just having a good time. Its almost as if there wasnt a world outside of those four corners of the garage. We didnt need it.
The two hoodlums in the picture are the members of Warm Brew, you can check them out right here, and get your splash of LA soul >

But than the fire started to die down. Spence... it wasnt your fault, and yes we would have listened to your jams all night and all day. but the universe called us to a different place. We split when the show was ending and went to a party at USC.
I dont think parties need themes nor reasons, and if they do have reasons just dont say the reason so that people could have conversations about what the reason for the party are, when really the reason is, is to have conversations and drink alcohol. and thats exactly what we did. LZO and Sweet brought it home by winning some BP games. Andy Rivera brought the Black & Milds and Plo... well he was just happy. I really think that the party itself was in the background for us, because all that matters is that we were all surrounded by Loyola dudes. like the girls were whack, there was a small amount of alchohol and the music was ok, until LZO hooked it up. every one else was buggin. and thats fine with me. But toward the end i was in the kitchen, when water litterally started pouring from the ceiling.
the toilet had clogged...
It was time to bounce.
So we did to The Pantry, one of the most famous breakfast spots in LA. it was amazing. the only thing that wasnt amazing was the 20 missing from my account due to my appetite. But it was all ok because the weather was warm, I was with my friends remembering the past and talking about the present. and for the 100th time i told my self

damn, its all ok. and the future is going to be great