Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Under eye bags which hold the groceries of our overweight grocery store

All i have to say is to all of you that read TPQ. read it more and dont be pissed off when updates dont come. because... hey, just take it easy. Note for all you people who arent conscience of the earth, cut your showers short. dont be a bitch. The top picture is from PFotography please go to it if you enjoy the TPQ. i have one other link that i have for you today. its on the photographer Wendy Crockett who recently changed my view on photography.
Im not going to tell you, other than the fact that art needs depth no matter what medium. when people say that 'anything' can be art, they are bullshitting because they obviously dont know what makes a painting, composition or picture. just know that in the time that me and plo dont post our stuff, we are developing our talents 10 fold. and by the time we return to the web as professionals, we will already be above the rest. and yes we are tooting our own horn. because it takes fucking work to do what we do with so much passion and while at the same time being full time students. Play like a Champion.