Sunday, November 20, 2011

One TWO Three

hey im god damn broke. 13 dollars in my bank account isnt going to life insurance or bonds thats for damn sure, and if I had more money i would give it to this man here.
AKA Phil
philerup, let us all give great applause and fuck for this man here whose dream is sought after by many, but replicated by nun. may I proudly present to you the link:

What you will find when you click on the link is vector based art work. Now i know what you may be thinking... "you really mean victor based art work" (originating by nature from the essence of victor) but i shit you not, you are a dumb ass if you thought that. Shut up go to college, read some books, work a desk job, fuck a pregnant lady, till you end up in a grave. whatever you do, at some point in your life you have to slow down at a snails pace and really take a look at things that go on around you. Now on the site's disclaimer, it says that he was inspired by a saying about a snail that had changed his life forever.

I say

Snails go damn slow, and if you step on them on purpose.... consider yourself an enemy of mine. In fact if you put salt on a snail or eat them to gross out the little girls, or snort coke off of their shells, i will consider you a travesty... what the fuck.

on a lighter note, south pasadena is still something like the Shire in Lord of the Rings. Fuck you bilbobaggins... more like dildosaggins