We decided to try out the club scene....
Forty Six Dollars was gone to waste last night, money that could have gone to feeding hungry children in Somalia. Well that night we met a dude from somalia and he charged us his own fee of 5 fucking dollars for his 'over 21 bracelet'. So $46 to a club occupied with people who dont know what the fuck they want all trying to make something out of the night, as we were. That 5 dollars went to another $12 investment of alcohol which did not get me and my cohort drunk. Instead we were coerced into donating this drink to two attractive girls who spoke to us for 5 min while slowly taking their fair share of the drink. ____ eventually got kicked out because they saw that the wrist band was on the wrong hand. Walked around Hollywood for about an hour, sometimes checking the phone and time. ____ went back to the club to encounter the rest of the scoundrels we had arrived to the club with, all of whom had throbbing headaches from too much techno and fake titties that you couldn't touch. We don't want any harm, women, we're not creeps, all we want is to squeeze them. a gentle squeeze, maybe a hello or short grunt, and then we both part ways, both a tiny bit happier.
Unfortunately none of us squeezed any boobies. what we did manage to fit in our mouths though was two hot dogs wrapped in bacon both worth at $8. so 46+5+12+8= $71. While consuming this measly peasant food we witnessed a free light show, which was pretty cool... though not so much because we weren't on E and did not have any money to buy any. Bummed a cigarette, all while waiting for Simon who on his account had the night of his life... while the 5 dudes who came with him sat, and waited to be driven.
$71 + Free Light Show= The Painted Quench X Hollywood Club Scene.
All items we purchased that night were not refundable, just like time. You need to spend your time wisely, because there isnt any refunds in this bitch.
That night the environment of Hollywood, became more like HollyWack in the eyes of two kids.